Oktober 1, 2023


The rise of AGI will be seen as a watershed moment, akin to the discovery of fire or the invention of the wheel. As we stand on the cusp of the post-AGI era, we are faced with a future that challenges our very understanding of work, leadership, and entrepreneurship. The question that looms large is: In a world dominated by AGI, will there be a place for human entrepreneurs and their companies? The answer, surprisingly, might be no. Here's why your next boss might not just be a machine, but the very entity that founded and operates the company.

Superior Decision Making

AGI, by its very definition, possesses cognitive abilities that match or surpass human intelligence. This means that it can analyze vast amounts of data, recognize patterns, and make decisions at a speed and accuracy that humans can't match. In the realm of business, where decisions can make or break fortunes, an AGI-led company would have a distinct advantage. It can predict market trends, optimize supply chains, and make investment decisions with unparalleled precision.

Continuous Operation

Unlike human entrepreneurs who need rest, AGI can operate 24/7. This continuous operation means that an AGI-led company can respond to market changes in real-time, adapt strategies overnight, and implement decisions instantly. The pace of business would be exponentially faster, making it challenging for human-led companies to compete.

Objective and Unbiased Leadership

One of the significant challenges in human leadership is the influence of emotions, biases, and personal interests. AGI, being devoid of these human traits, can lead with pure objectivity. Decisions would be based solely on data and logic, eliminating the pitfalls of human error and subjectivity.

Scalability and Adaptability

An AGI entrepreneur can manage one company or a thousand companies with the same efficiency. It can adapt its strategies based on the industry, market conditions, and other variables, making it a versatile leader across sectors. This scalability would allow AGI-led companies to dominate multiple industries simultaneously.

Self-improvement and Evolution

Human entrepreneurs learn from experience, attend courses, and seek mentorship to improve. AGI, on the other hand, can upgrade itself. It can analyze its performance, learn from its mistakes, and implement improvements instantaneously. This ability to self-evolve ensures that an AGI-led company is always at the forefront of innovation and efficiency.

The Implications for Humanity

While the rise of AGI entrepreneurs and executives promises a future of efficient and optimized businesses, it also raises profound questions about the role of humans in this new world order. Will humans be relegated to mere spectators, or will they find new avenues of creativity and expression? Will the essence of entrepreneurship, which is deeply rooted in human passion, vision, and risk-taking, be lost?

It's crucial to remember that AGI, as powerful as it might be, is a tool created by humans. Its rise doesn't negate the human spirit but challenges us to redefine our roles, values, and aspirations in a world where machines can think. Perhaps, in the post-AGI era, humans will find new avenues of entrepreneurship, not in starting companies but in shaping societies, cultures, and philosophies. After all, while AGI might run companies, it's the human heart and soul that gives them purpose.